Legal Notice


Web site name: Camping Sites et Paysages Le Ventoulou
Owner: Frédéric HOBBE, Nathalie HOBBE and Jérémy HOBBE
Publication manager: Camping Sites et Paysages Le Ventoulou
Design and production : ESE Communication
Animation: Camping Sites et Paysages Le Ventoulou
Hosting : Infomaniak


Simplified joint stock company with a capital of 20,000 euros – 791890551 RCS Cahors – 208 route de Mayrinhac – 46500 Thégra Lot / Occitanie / France – 05 65 33 67 01 –


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Any user has a right of access, rectification and opposition to the personal data concerning him/her, by making a written and signed request, accompanied by proof of identity.


Adobe Stock
Camping Le Ventoulou Sites et Paysages
ESE Communication
Thomas Lambelin
Romann RAMSHORN / Corrèze Tourism
Christophe Bouthé – Vent d’Autan / Corrèze Tourisme
Malika Turin / Corrèze Tourisme
Cochise Ory – Dordogne Valley
Dominique Viet – Dordogne Valley
Vincent Bouvier – Dordogne Valley
Marion Coene – Dordogne Valley
Eric Martin – Le Figaro
Olivier GACHEN / Corrèze Tourisme
Dan COURTICE / Corrèze Tourisme
Gilles BERGEAL / Corrèze Tourisme
Grégory Rohart / Corrèze Tourisme
Maxime Seimbille/Dronieguy. – Dordogne Valley
C. Asquier – Lot Tourisme
Samuel Beaufreton – Dordogne Valley
Cyril Novello – Lot Tourisme
A. Leconte – Lot Tourisme
Christiane Roques – Lot Tourisme
Jean-François Lemarchand – Lot Tourisme

P. Foresti-Mediart – Lot Tourisme
Christian Lauzin

CRT New Aquitaine
Lot Tourism