A green attitude - Environment/Sustainable development.

After receiving the “Eco-défis du Parc” label in December 2014, the “Clef Verte” label in November 2016, the “Engagé zéro Phyto” label in October 2020, we are delighted to receive the “Tourisme zéro déchet” label in April 2023!

An award that recognizes and rewards establishments committed to reducing waste production.

We welcome you to an establishment that has been awarded the “Clef Verte” label for its environmental approach and its management of nature protection:


We water our hedges and flowers using rainwater harvesters.
We recycle shower water to supply the toilets in our Premium cottage“La Route de la Noix“.
Sanitary facilities, water points and rental units are equipped with water-saving devices.
Our staff are trained in leak detection.


We print as few paper brochures as possible (less paper, less transport). We encourage e-mail exchanges.
Vehicle traffic is prohibited from 10.30pm to 8am in the campsite.
We would like to hear your opinions and suggestions on how we can improve our environmental approach.


Hot water for the main building is produced using solar energy.
All rental units, sanitary facilities and lighting are equipped with low-energy bulbs.
Presence detectors with timers have been installed in the washrooms.
Some of our rentals are equipped with a key switch to limit electricity consumption when the accommodation is empty.
We have installed individual meters in some of our rental properties for precise monitoring of electricity consumption.
The (covered) swimming pool is heated by a heat pump to reduce energy consumption.


The cleaning products we use are ecologically certified.
We don’t use chemical fertilizers.
Some of the green waste is reused as mulch or compost.


We favor natural materials in our equipment (exterior wood cladding).
Our secondary roads and parking lots are made of drainage material to facilitate water penetration into the soil.
We prefer manual and mechanical weeding.


The campsite has a recycling area with containers for glass, paper, plastics and cans.
We compost all our vegetable waste.
Hazardous waste is sorted and used edible oils are stored separately and collected by specialized recycling companies.
We recycle used batteries, light bulbs…
All our employees sort their waste.

We ask you to do your utmost to contribute, in your own way, to this success.

All you need to do is :

  • Limit your water consumption
  • Turn off lights when you leave the premises
  • Pay attention to the use of toilet paper in washrooms
  • Respect the waste sorting system in place
  • Don’t throw away cigarette butts, paper and other garbage
  • Stop your engine.

Working together to protect nature
The campsite is also a partner of the L.P.O. (Ligue de Protection des Oiseaux – League for the Protection of Birds), thanks to its bird sanctuary.